Deltag i ‘ARTSCENICO Online Jour Fixe’

ARTSCENICO inviterer til en online event med fokus på arbejdsforhold i Europa. Repræsentanter fra forskellige lande fortæller om arbejdsforholdene i deres respektive lande, hvilket følges op af en åben diskussion. Formålet er at give deltagerne konkrete værktøjer og ideer til, hvordan arbejdsforholdene kan forbedres. Eventen finder sted lørdag d. 5. februar kl. 16 og er den første i rækken af lignende online events.

Invitation: Working conditions in Art- & Costume Department in Europe

Esteemed representatives of our Member-Organisations,
Dear partners and friends of ARTSCENICO,

We are very happy and proud to invite you to ARTSCENICO‘s first Online Jour Fixe (OJF). We will start this series of events with a general topic that is certainly close to everyone‘s heart: Working conditions in Art- & Costume Department in Europe. We want to offer the chance to learn about the situation in various European countries. In so-called „lightning talks“ representatives from different countries will tell us about their experiences to allow a general overview of several working conditions. After the short statements we open the discussion for your contributions.The focus of these meetings is to empower the participants, help them to gain new ideas on how to further better working conditions, instead of simply complaining.

We‘re looking forward to an exciting round of talks!

With warm regards,
The Board of ARTSCENICO and the OJF Team

Saturday, 5.02.2022 at 4:00 pm CET

ARTSCENICO onlinejourfixe #1

The event is reserved for the members of the ARTSCENICO member organizations. As we only have a limited number of participants: First come, first serve. If you have any questions please contact us here: ojf@artscenico.com

Registration is open until 4.02.2022, 5:00 pm CET